This page is populated with original photos and paintings, which I plan to update with additional descriptions and greater
loading speed as my web design skills improve. Until then, it serves as a small sample of my favorite works. Thanks for checking out
the space!
I took this photo while waiting for a train from Madrid to Toledo, where I stayed in solitude for two months last
summer. I organized the trip to reflect and plan for my future as a recent graduate while fueling my sense of exploration and
engaging my long-standing interest in Spanish and Catalan history and culture, which had not yet been satiated by studying
Flight Pattern, Madrid, Spain (2023)
My stay in Madrid and Toledo coincided with a series of endings, including my grandfather's sudden passing.
Grieving, I wondered if there was anything around me that could remain constant, irrespective of time. The closest thing I found
was the image of the mountain, whose dark silhouette has marked my passage through several phases of life: childhood and
adolescence at my grandparents' Adirondack cabin, young adulthood in Williams' Purple Valley, and, more recently, backpacking
forays into Vermont and New Hampshire.
Mountain (left) and Mountain II (right), Las Matas, Spain (2023)
Look is an experiment with different mediums, combining linoleum block printing with acrylic and pastels.
Look, Toledo, Spain (2023)
I occasionally shared scraps of meat and fish with a neighborhood cat while in Madrid. He was
well cared for by the inhabitants of Las Rozas and would wait outside the grocery store most afternoons. Before I left, he let me
take his picture.
Salmon Cat, Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain (2023)
Splash, Outside Salem, MA (2024)
Stroll, Salem, MA (2024)
Island, Outside Salem, MA (2024)
A grave warning: many snails are opportunistic carnivores.
Small Joys, Truro, MA (2024)